Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Spirit to the Sky, Feet on the Soil With the People


After a long and probably much needed hiatus from having my hands directly in the soil ( its been 2 seasons), to process, digest, and rediscover my purpose in this place - I am back doing youth development work and planting seeds of the food justice movement in young minds alongside those aligned in my path at this time.

Ive dabbled in filmmaking, cofounded a garden at a HBCU  that has been declared a national treasure to (in no particular order) becoming a mother.....while continuing to navigate the Baltimore cultural arts scene as a dancer, a poet, a happenstantial muse (not always to my fancy). I had to put everything down for a hot minute....

I have found myself in a 360 moment. Reactivated. Clear once more..

Sometimes it is crazy to reflect on just how divinely timed things actually are. We as people tend to push and pull and fight to go this and "supposed to be" that way, to produce this item and that item (similar in echo to the industrial agricultural system) that ends up in result polluting our waters, land, exploiting our synergistic relationships with all the life that is around us- yet even still when we ask ourselves the question: am I happy? We find ourselves staring into that same deep void that moved us to enmesh ourselves in activism and community building, projects, etc to begin with (unhealthy cycles).

I felt at a loss. This seed planted in my spirit years ago, urging me, invigorating me to highlight Baltimore's very unique yet similarly designed food system that we see in many other urban centers across the country through film, through community institutions, through curriculum and planning, visioning, and building relationships galore, all the while witnessing how they shifted and changed form constantly just trying to make sense of it all.

 The energy was surely all there, and those around me knew and felt it. But the structure... the "bullet points" the concise framework through which this vision was meant to be shared with folks in a way that could be universally understood just wasn't coming into view, and it blended with all the other things going on with me personally, and on the global level- struggling to maintain focus....

So I decided to let the struggle go.

Much like a seed that you would plant in the soil, this seed had its phases to go through. Its been 2 years since I posted in this blog and my seeds have finally taken root and sprouted. They have grown leaves and a foundation of their own, and they have recently called to me "we are ready to be transplanted now" as I stare into the big brown eyes of my robust solid creation of a child.

wow, the synergy of nature is really something to marvel at.

So here I am, back at it here in the city, I'm working with 5 amazing and extremely talented youth as an Education & Outreach Coordinator through the YouthWorks program at Boone St Farm and we are getting into it (oh, and filming too).

So let "the earthy nutritionist" let it unfold, lets get into it and talk about it:

- Our African Agricultural Roots: We are the foundation of this countries sustenance, nurturance, and wisdom. How can we authentically reactivate the wisdom of the land that's in our DNA to embody self determination?

- Confronting Stigma:  Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome and the traumatic genetic memory associated with our agricultural history in the Diaspora

- Food, Nutrition, & Exploration: OH, just being a foodie and making bliss activating meals... and exploring the unique and diverse history of Baltimore City Food and Cultural Activist Past & Present (let us learn from your expertise)

Feet on the Soil with the People:

There is a lot of pain and trauma amidst in the city right now. The killing game has become like cultural entertainment from the way its talked in local media, bumping right into to the shockwaves that it sends through families, individuals, and our healing community.

But we are still here.

If you are reading this you are still here, and guess what: we still got the juice and they are still thirsty for it.

I encourage all to be focused on the unique work that it is that you do, and know that it matters, and that it IS actually changing our collective biosphere (no western cultural validation needed).

It is psychological terrorism the ways that we are urged to rage in reaction and hurt ourselves and generations through our actions to the despicable cycles outside of an individuals control. This is a summer of great rise and beautiful manifestation. <3

I also welcome you to continue on my journey with me, whether you've known me for years or are first being introduced through this blog post. I am grateful beyond words to be who I am where I am, and even....where Ive been.

When we walk on the dirt whether it be out on a trail or next to the cemented pavement. II invite you to think about who else walked on that dirt, and what it took for that particular space to be preserved admist the machines surrounding it. Also remember the blood sweat and tears that it took for your existence to even be possible right here, right now.

We are having this experience, might as well enjoy it right?

 I mean really, stress is bad for the body and it wont make you look too cute over time. No shade to those that do choose that route, but each day we have a choice to make and I invite the energy of this post to enliven that uplifting one that is the light of your spirit. Many of you have done this for me, whether intentional or unintentionally, and I thank you for that. Keep it coming.

Baltimore City

 - A cosmic treasure internationally known to many, too commonly unappreciated to those that call this place home.

 Charge your crystals and tune into this shift that elevates our hearts to the knowingness of this: your safety, your fulfillment, and your peace daily.

Each day that we have to make this choice can make all those days that we didnt make that choice, seem like a flash of a shadow on a wall, gone.

Happy Summer Solstice & I hope you enjoy the posts to follow on the way that this process unfolds in this work.

Peace, Love, & Light

Nicola Uatuva
June 28, 2016

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